School re-opens! 2020- 2021

To: Parents / Guardians
From: St. Martin Secondary School
Date: 2 September 2020
Welcome to the new academic year 2020-21. I trust that you are having a wonderful day.
School re-opens on Monday 7 September 2020. I wish to meet with you this week before school starts to share the guidelines and protocols for ensuring the safety of all stakeholders associated with our school.
We will meet tomorrow Thursday 3 September 2020 at school from 4:15 pm. Please wear your face mask or face covering on entry into the yard. We will practice physical distancing and the meeting will be brief.
We apologize for the late notice but we want to let you know what is in place to ensure your children are safe and you are confident that all will be well.
We look forward to seeing you on time.